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Collection (2776)

Profile Bowl (Inner)
Depth Bowl
Pipe Ser Jacopo R1
This is a brand new pipe made by Ser Jacopo in Italy. This company has some fine craftsmen, which pr...
Pipe Tom Richard
This is a brand new pipe made by freehand pipemaker Tom Richard in Germany.
Pipe Vauen Patina PT140
Sandblasted pipe made of larch wood. Larch wood has a very beautiful and natural patern. The inner o...
Pipe Giordano Doria 14663
A rusticated briar pipe with a beautiful structure made in Italy for Giordano. Acrylic mouthpiece, 9...
Pipe Ser Jacopo R1 Sevilla 2012
This is a brand new pipe made by Ser Jacopo in Italy. This company has some fine craftsmen, which pr...
Pipe Vauen Nana NN130
Smooth briar pipe in a red brown waxed finish with a designed ring made by Vauen in Germany. Acrylic...
Pipe Stanwell Pipe of the Year 2022 Black Polish
Smooth briar pipe in a dark brown finish with a sterling silver ring made for Stanwell. Acrylic mout...
Pijp Winslow Freehand Grade C
This is a brand new pipe made by Poul Winslow in Denmark. Made of Briar hand selected personally by ...
Pipe Peterson Dracula Smooth 221
Black briar pipe with a metal ring made by Peterson in Ireland. Red acrylic mouthpiece, 9 mm. filter...
Mestango Combo Pipe Pouch Grey
Beautiful pipe pouch with space for one pipe, tobacco and tools.
Pipe Vauen Sina 8095
Briar pipe in a black matte finish made by Vauen in Germany. Acrylic mouthpiece with a blue/grey rin...
Pipe Luigi Viprati *****
This is a brand new pipe made by Luigi Viprati in Italy.
Showing 1765 - 1776 of 2776